Monday, February 15, 2016

Top 10 Reasons Why You Don't Have A Girlfriend on Valentine's day

Top 10 Reasons Why You Don't Have A Girlfriend

10. You are Ugly?
While being ugly may not be your fault, a lot of
girls judge boys based on the look of their face
Its human nature, we all want perfect things
that we can feel proud having in public or look at when we come home or have
sex with.
So if you are ugly, then your chance of getting
a girlfriend is probably just above zero percent.

9. You are not Rich Enough?
Yes, UNFORTUNATELY, there are girls that only
wants rich boys and you happened to be around them.
A Rich Partner can offer a variety of benefit,
such money, prestige, expensive gifts, have a nice car, etc.
You can't blame them because you would probably
do the same if you were in their shoe.
Being rich gives a high social status, which
makes girls think you are highly educated and intelligent.

8. You are Gay?
You are probably gay but you don’t know it,
which is completely fine
Humans are emotional creatures, we have
different sexual orientation and may not feel comfortable partnering with
certain gender.

7. You are Stupid?
While being stupid may not be your fault,
regardless, you will sound stupid to the girl and she won’t like you.
Not asking the right questions and not
understanding what she is trying to express, is a sign of stupidity.

6. You are Arrogant?
Being arrogant can repel girls away from you,
because they think you are selfish and you only care about yourself.
You are not kind to people around you and you
think your opinion what matters the most.

5. You Spend Most of Your Time Playing Video Games and
Watching Porn?
Spending most of your time on video games and
porn can isolate you from the social life.
Not giving some time to socialize with different
people (esp. Girls), will decrease your chance of getting a girlfriend
Prevent you from learning the necessary communication
skills to have conversation with a girl.

4. You are a Nerd?
If all you talk about is science and comics,
then you’re probably a nerd, which sometime may make you sound smart, however
it’s sometime boring to girls.
Sometime girls just want to have fun and not
participate in a debate about Superman vs. Batman story.

3. Lack of Personality?
Not having an interesting character, charisma
and style, make you invisible around girls and even if you try to talk to them,
they will most likely ignore you.
However, too much personality can make you sound
and look fake, which is also a sign of lack of personality.

2. You are too Sexual?
If all you think around girls is sex, then you
will not get it, unless you are around prostitutes.
Girls don’t like boys who only seek sexual
pleasures, because that is an animalistic behavior.
Sex does not portray love and honesty very well.

1. You are too Shy?
Being shy is not an advantage all the time, in
fact, most of the time it’s a sign of weakness and lack of confidence, and
these are things that girls don’t like in a man.
Shyness is number one reason why boys can’t get
a girlfriend because they are too afraid to socialize and feel awkward around

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