Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Top 10 BIGGEST Snow Storms / Blizzards of All Time

Top 10 BIGGEST Snow Storms of All Time

10. The Blizzard of 1888 - Northeastern U.S

9. The Storm of the Century, 1993 - Eastern U.S

8. New York City Blizzard of 2006

7. Lhunze County, Tibet - 2008

6. Mount Shasta, California U.S-1959

5. The Eastern Canadian Blizzard of 1971 - Canada

4. The New England Blizzard of 1978

3. The Great Snow of 1717 -New England

2. The Buffalo Blizzard of 1977 - North America

1. The Blizzard of 1967 - Midwestern U.S

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